Monday, November 5, 2012


In class we made our own homemade barometers. Here is how we did it.
You need:

·      A glass jar
·      A balloon
·      Scissors
·      A drinking straw
·      And tape

Directions: Cut the balloon in half. Stretch the top half of the balloon over the opening of the jar. This step may take time. Make sure the balloon is fully stretched and there is no sag in the middle of the balloon. Next tape the sides of the balloon to the sides of the jar. This step might require a partner. Next, cut the end of the straw to a point (this helps give your barometer more accuracy). Tape the opposite end of the straw to the middle of the balloon so that the pointed end of the straw is hanging off of the balloon. You have now made your homemade barometer.

When the pressure on the outside of the barometer is greater than the pressure on the inside it will push the balloon down and cause the straw reading to elevate. On the flip side, if the pressure on the inside of the barometer is more than the pressure on the outside then the pressure on the inside will make the balloon rise upward causing the straw reading to decrease.

Here are two videos that do a good job explaining the steps:

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